Backup restoration failed

I did a backup restore but got an error message

Backup restoration failed for MY LINODE NAME by hotbeehoney. Learn more about limits and considerations.

I tried many different ways but still failed, how can i fix it ?

2 Replies

There are a couple of variables that can cause a backup restore to be considered a failed restoration. Support can help guide you by reviewing logging on our side, though not all cases are situations where Support can provide direct assistance.

One of the more common reasons for restore failures is related to UUID assignments that are referenced in either the /etc/fstab or /boot/grub/grub.cfg files. The following Community Questions site post covers the steps you can take to both identify and fix this if it is the issue at play:

There's also a false positive situation that can be caused by session files or files related to a containerize service. The way to determine if this is the case, you can simply try to boot up the Linode. If the Linode successfully boots up, you'll want to ensure the files and data that you need are indeed there. This is certainly something that Support can help determine as the logging on our side would provide insight into if this happened or not.

Finally, as this is a service that we created and maintain, there are certainly failure situations that require intervention from our side to resolve the problem. This would best be handled through a Support ticket.

thanks, I have read your tutorial but so far still no success. The ways I did it were:

  • Use the function of Restore and Overwrite the current Linode itself -> fail.
  • I used the Rescue function -> failed. It says Disk ID 94972687 for /dev/sda not found
  • I create 1 new Linode and Restore from last backup --> failed.
  • Currently I'm trying to use the Restore and Deploy feature through a new Linode (without creating a Linode first) --> waiting for the results.

I have already submitted a ticket but the support team has not responded yet.


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