Linode CLI - Get Started

Access the entire Linode platform from the command line, easily adding, removing, or modifing services.

Create a Linode account to try this guide with a $ credit.
This credit will be applied to any valid services used during your first  days.

Installing the Linode CLI

See the Install and Configure the Linode CLI guide for installation instructions and details on performing the initial configuration.

Basic Usage

To view a list of all Compute Instances on your account, run the following command:

linode-cli linodes list

This command generates the following output, based on the information within your own account.

│ id       │ label              │ region     │ type          │ image                 │ status  │ ipv4              │
│ 00000001 │ example-instance   │ us-east    │ g6-standard-1 │ linode/ubuntu18.04    │ running │         │
│ 00001111 │ centos-us-east     │ us-east    │ g6-nanode-1   │ linode/centos-stream9 │ running │       │

See Using the Linode CLI for additional usage details and examples.


View information about any part of the CLI, including available actions and required parameters, with the --help flag:

linode-cli --help
linode-cli linodes --help
linode-cli linodes create --help


To make information easy to ready, the Linode CLI outputs responses in a text-based table format. The data is split into rows and columns, with the top row containing the fields.

linode-cli regions list
│ id           │ country │ capabilities                                                                                                                                            │ status │
│ ap-west      │ in      │ Linodes, NodeBalancers, Block Storage, GPU Linodes, Kubernetes, Cloud Firewall, Vlans, Block Storage Migrations, Managed Databases                      │ ok     │
│ ca-central   │ ca      │ Linodes, NodeBalancers, Block Storage, Kubernetes, Cloud Firewall, Vlans, Block Storage Migrations, Managed Databases                                   │ ok     │
│ ap-southeast │ au      │ Linodes, NodeBalancers, Block Storage, Kubernetes, Cloud Firewall, Vlans, Block Storage Migrations, Managed Databases                                   │ ok     │
│ us-central   │ us      │ Linodes, NodeBalancers, Block Storage, Kubernetes, Cloud Firewall, Block Storage Migrations, Managed Databases                                          │ ok     │
│ us-west      │ us      │ Linodes, NodeBalancers, Block Storage, Kubernetes, Cloud Firewall, Block Storage Migrations, Managed Databases                                          │ ok     │
│ us-southeast │ us      │ Linodes, NodeBalancers, Block Storage, Object Storage, GPU Linodes, Kubernetes, Cloud Firewall, Vlans, Block Storage Migrations, Managed Databases      │ ok     │
│ us-east      │ us      │ Linodes, NodeBalancers, Block Storage, Object Storage, GPU Linodes, Kubernetes, Cloud Firewall, Bare Metal, Block Storage Migrations, Managed Databases │ ok     │
│ eu-west      │ uk      │ Linodes, NodeBalancers, Block Storage, Kubernetes, Cloud Firewall, Block Storage Migrations, Managed Databases                                          │ ok     │
│ ap-south     │ sg      │ Linodes, NodeBalancers, Block Storage, Object Storage, GPU Linodes, Kubernetes, Cloud Firewall, Block Storage Migrations, Managed Databases             │ ok     │
│ eu-central   │ de      │ Linodes, NodeBalancers, Block Storage, Object Storage, GPU Linodes, Kubernetes, Cloud Firewall, Block Storage Migrations, Managed Databases             │ ok     │
│ ap-northeast │ jp      │ Linodes, NodeBalancers, Block Storage, Kubernetes, Cloud Firewall, Block Storage Migrations, Managed Databases                                          │ ok     │


By default, most Linode CLI responses do not contain all the available fields. To keep the information digestible, the Linode CLI outputs a smaller subset of all of available fields. This behavior can be adjusted using the commands below.

  • Limited (default behavior): Outputs a limited subset of the available fields.
  • All fields (--all): Output all available fields.
  • Specific fields (--format 'field1,field2'): Outputs only the fields specified within the given comma separated list.

Output Format

The Linode CLI can output data in a variety of formats, as disclosed below:

  • Tabular (default): Data is split into rows and columns, with the top row containing the fields.
  • JSON (--json or --json --pretty): Data is structured using JavaScript Object Notation (JSON), typically used for importing into applications that require JSON. The --pretty tag is optional and makes the output more human readable.
  • Plain text (--text or --text --delimiter ","): Data is outputted as plain text. By default, it uses a tab character as the delimiter, though this can be adjusted by specifying a custom character using the --delimited "," option.

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