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BlogSecurityNew Docker Container Security Essentials Guide

New Docker Container Security Essentials Guide

HackerSploit: Docker Security Essentials

For more than a year, we’ve been partnering with HackerSploit to bring you practical and immediately useful security training through Linode LIVE! HackerSploit is a leading provider of free Infosec and cybersecurity training with a mission to make cybersecurity training more effective and accessible to students and professionals.

We just released a new ebook to accompany the Docker container security video series we did with HackerSploit earlier this month. The video series includes an introduction and a deeper dive into securing Docker. Similarly, our new guide focuses on securing the Docker platform on Linux. Follow along with the Docker container security techniques demonstrated in this guide. No email is required to download the ebook.

Deployments of Docker and container technologies now rival traditional Linux virtual machines. As their capabilities and uses continue to expand and the overall usage of containers increases, it is essential to ensure that you follow these best practices for Docker container security. Having the skills to regularly audit new projects and existing workloads to get ahead of potential container security vulnerabilities will remain a necessity.

“Docker is becoming an increasingly deployed and adopted platform for creating, deploying, and hosting web applications, databases and other business critical solutions, said Alexis Ahmed, Founder & CEO, HackerSploit. “Given the increased adoption rate of Docker in companies and organizations, it comes as no surprise that the role of security in Docker is increasing and is in high demand.” Watch a TFIR interview with Alexis below.

Encouraging our customers to use security best practices begins with our bundled services and the additional educational resources and documentation we make available to raise security awareness. When vulnerability prevention gets integrated into each layer of your infrastructure and development process, you secure application data and reduce potential technical debt while ultimately protecting both your users and yourself.

In addition to this new guide, our technical writing team covers Docker Security Essentials, which includes a list of eight best practices for Docker host security. There are also some videos on our YouTube channel, including an Intro to Docker Series.


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