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BlogStorageNVMe Block Storage Global Rollout

NVMe Block Storage Global Rollout


We’re working quickly to expand the global availability of our new NVMe-based Block Storage since making its debut in the Atlanta, GA data center. You now can attach high-performance NVMe Block Storage volumes in these data centers.

Global Data Center NVMe Block Storage Availability
Atlanta, GA (US)September 2021 Live
Newark, NJ (US)October 2021 Live
Toronto, ON (CA)October 2021 Live
Frankfurt, DE (Europe)October 2021 Live
Tokyo, JP (Asia Pacific)January 2022 Live
London, UK (Europe)January 2022 Live
Mumbai, IN (Asia Pacific)January 2022 Live
Sydney, AU (Asia Pacific)February 2022 Live
Singapore, SG (Asia Pacific)Q1 2022 Live
Fremont, CA (US)Q1 2022
Dallas, TX (US)Q1 2022 Live

Note: all proposed dates are subject to change.

Sign Up for Notifications

If you want to know when NVMe Block Storage is coming to your data center, sign up for notifications here.

Getting Started with NVMe Block Storage

  • Log in to Cloud Manager and navigate to “Volumes”
  • Select “Create a Volume” and complete the required fields in the new window
  • Make sure you’ve selected a region where NVMe Block Storage is available
  • Select “Create Volume”

You can continue “Get Started” with Block Storage, or browse all documentation here.

Please note customers with existing volumes will be contacted by support when you are eligible to upgrade to NVMe Block Storage. You can find a guide about how to complete the upgrade here. If you have questions, please contact the Support team.

Comments (2)

  1. Author Photo

    When is Singapore node come with this super fast NVMe?

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