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BlogLinodeLearn About Cloud Computing, Linux, and Open Source on Our New YouTube Channel

Learn About Cloud Computing, Linux, and Open Source on Our New YouTube Channel

Check out the new Linode YouTube Channel

We continue to support some incredibly-talented YouTubers who provide educational content that aligns with our mission to make cloud computing simple, affordable, and accessible; NetworkChuck, CodeParade, Tech With Tim, and Corey Schafer, to name a few.

Earlier this month, we took the next natural step in our approach to YouTube by rebooting our channel to include five new weekly series. We’ve gathered some of the best teachers and tech enthusiasts in the industry to discuss everything cloud computing, Linux, and open source technology. With these new series, we can work together to lower some barriers to entry around cloud computing and spread our mission around the world. 

Here’s an overview of what you will see in the weeks and months ahead. 

Cloud Simplified with Walt Ribeiro. Walt is a natural-born teacher. He loves to take something super-complicated and distill it down so that even his niece can understand it. His passion for teaching and love of all things tech make him the perfect fit for this series. His debut episode talks about one of the most complex aspects of cloud computing, Kubernetes, and it only gets better from there. You can find new episodes every Monday.

Jay LaCroix from LearnLinuxTV is the host of Top Docs. As a systems architect, author, and Linux and open source enthusiast, we couldn’t ask for a more knowledgeable person to take on the task of creating videos based on our world renowned awesome documentation.

Ned Bellavance’s Linode Business Brief is ideal for keeping up with the latest cloud computing industry trends. Ned is a cloud advocate with 20 years of experience in practical business uses for the cloud. His ability to think critically about technology could save you and your company money.

Gardiner Bryant is the host of DIY Cloud. This show is for the developer, hobbyist, or anyone new to cloud computing that might be looking for a decent, practical application for their servers. From how-tos on our One-Click App Marketplace to cloud apps you didn’t know you needed, Gardiner will show you how to make the best use of your server in your daily life. 

Our last series, SuperUser, takes experts in different technology disciplines from all over the world and gives them a platform to share what they know with you. Databases, languages, differences in Linux distros, you name it! This series is your chance to learn something new.

As always, we invite your feedback and ideas on how we can always do better with the Linode YouTube channel. Don’t forget to give us a like subscribe and share.


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