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BlogLinodeLinode Proud to Participate in World IPv6 Launch Day 2012

Linode Proud to Participate in World IPv6 Launch Day 2012


An entire year has passed since Linode participated in World IPv6 Day. Since then we have worked hard to permanently enable IPv6 for all of our locations in support of the global launch of this new internet protocol taking place on June 6, 2012.

World IPv6 Launch represents a major milestone in the global deployment of IPv6. As the successor to the current Internet Protocol, IPv4, IPv6 is critical to the Internet’s continued growth as a platform for innovation and economic development. The IPv6 addressing system will expand the number of possible addresses from approximately 4 billion with IPv4 to roughly 340,282,366,920,938,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 IPv6 addresses!

As an early adopter of IPv6, we are committed to supporting our customers so that they may participate in World IPv6 Launch Day as well. In addition to enabling IPv6 for all of our locations, we have also enabled IPv6 on most of our resources including our pastebin, blog, wiki, and speedtest pages.

We’ve been striving to ensure that IPv6 is available to all Linode customers and we are proud of our contributions to World IPv6 Launch Day. For information on how you can use IPv6 on your Linode, please see the Linode Library IPv6 guide. Enjoy!

Comments (5)

  1. Author Photo

    IPv6 is a fad.

  2. Author Photo

    Hi folks:
    It’s great indeed that you’re doing things like world IPV6.
    And, to the previous commenter, I’m not so sure that IPV6 is a fad.
    Why would it be?

  3. Author Photo

    His comment was sarcastic.

    Thanks for being awesome Linode. IPv6 was one of the main reasons I chose you over other VPS hosts.

  4. Author Photo

    You could add AAAA records in addition to the A record you create (I use CNAMEs to the names…)

  5. Author Photo

    t’s great indeed that you’re doing things like world IPV6.
    And, to the previous commenter, I’m not so sure that IPV6 is a fad.
    Why would it be?

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