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BlogLinodeHappy New Year, and New Employees

Happy New Year, and New Employees

We wanted to thank you for your business and wish you a Happy New Year!  2009 continued our trend of growth, both in customer base, and features and offerings.  Linode continues to grow as a company, and as such we’re pleased to announce three new hires:

Brett Kaplan and Peter Sandin have joined Linode as two new customer support techs.  Brett is from the area, is a Linux geek, and has a den full of consoles and other gaming equipment (can you say LAN party?).  Peter is relocating all the way from Oregon, and has just finished his CompSci degree (and wanted me to add that he is incredibly handsome).

Amanda Folson, also a CompSci grad, has joined us as a Technical Writer and Quality Assurance person.  She’s moving up from Maryland, and we’re excited to have her on board.

So, on behalf of everyone at Linode, have a happy, healthy, safe, and productive New Year!

Comments (11)

  1. Author Photo

    Nice timing on the post. 😉

    Congratulations and happy new year! 🙂

  2. Author Photo

    Congratulations to the New Employees, mainly Amanda Folson.

    Happy New Year!

  3. Author Photo

    Congratulations and welcome to the new staff. Happy new year Linode!

  4. Author Photo

    Congrats Amanda!

    Steve, your such a suckup *growls*

    Happy new year peeps \o/

  5. Author Photo

    Happy new year to you too!!, and the to the old and new employees, keep on the good work.

  6. Author Photo

    Happy new year to you and thanks for this great service.

  7. Author Photo

    Cool, can’t wait to see what you folks have planned for 2010!

  8. Author Photo

    Congrats! Linode has excellent service, keep up the good work.

  9. Author Photo

    My Linode hasn’t been rebooted since I opened my account. I hope the new recruits will enjoy their Maytag repair man job 🙂

  10. Author Photo

    Happy new year Linode!
    Congratulations and welcome to the new staff.
    keep up the good work.

  11. Author Photo

    Congratulations! Wishing Linode a very happy new year, and a well earned thanks for the good work! Welcome aboard Amanda, Peter and Brett!

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