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BlogStorageAdding another hard drive to your Linode

Adding another hard drive to your Linode

Create a disk image, formatted to ext3 (or whatever)
Go into your config profile
Find an empty /dev/ubd* device – probably /dev/ubdc if you’ve got a root and a swap already. Select your new drive label from the drop-down.
Save the config
Reboot your linode

Now, inside the Linode, you can mount it like so:

mount /dev/ubd[insert device letter here] /path/to/mountpoint

/path/to/mountpoint must be an existing directory.


Comments (2)

  1. Author Photo

    A few more commands that might be useful –

    [code][root@nova fs]# df -h
    Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
    /dev/hdc6 25G 21G 2.5G 89% /
    /dev/hdc1 15M 3.6M 11M 25% /boot
    /dev/hdd1 19M 3.6M 15M 19% /mnt/hddboot
    /dev/hdd6 18G 17G 57M 100% /mnt/hddroot[/code]

    Also, the mount command by itself will also display the existing mounted file systems…

    [code][root@nova fs]# mount -v
    /dev/hdc6 on / type ext2 (rw)
    none on /proc type proc (rw)
    /dev/hdc1 on /boot type ext2 (rw)
    none on /dev/pts type devpts (rw,gid=5,mode=620)
    /dev/hdd1 on /mnt/hddboot type ext2 (rw)
    /dev/hdd6 on /mnt/hddroot type ext2 (rw)[/code]

    If you take a look at the /proc/swaps file, it’ll tell you what swaps you have:

    [code][root@nova fs]# cat /proc/swaps
    Filename Type Size Used Priority
    /dev/hdc5 partition 136512 0 1
    /dev/hdd5 partition 130500 84100 100[/code]


  2. Author Photo

    Also handy for listing available partitions:

    cat /proc/partitions

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