Logging bandwidth usages of every Object Storage Bucket

Is there any plan that we can log bandwidth of every Object Storage Bucket?

We have many clients using our object storage and we need a way to monitor buckets' bandwidth usage to prevent overusing.

I see a post discussing about this: https://www.linode.com/community/questions/20307/monitoring-object-storage-bandwidthstats

But still not implement after 2 years.


1 Reply

At this time we don't have a way to track the Object Storage bandwidth usage, however it is something that other customers have requested before. I'll pass this request on for feedback internally. I do not have a time for when this feature will be implemented, but the feedback provided is invaluable to us and we want to ensure your voice is heard. If you have any more suggestions, please feel free to submit your feedback here.

Outside of that, customers do have the ability to monitor their total network transfer usage. Our guide below has more information on how you can view:

The good news is that with the acquisition, outbound network fees are being reduced from $0.01 to $0.005 per GB up to 1PB per month across all of our existing core data center locations. Which means any additional transfer usage that exceeds your monthly allotment costs $0.005/GB and is charged at the end of the billing period. More information can be found below:

Lastly, if there is any movement on this feature, it'll be announced through our blog page.


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