[SOLVED] object storage custom index/404 pages not working

I followed the guide here https://www.linode.com/docs/guides/host-static-site-object-storage/ for setting up a static site with object storage.

https://test-site-pommicket.us-ord-1.linodeobjects.com/index.html works, but when I visit https://test-site-pommicket.us-ord-1.linodeobjects.com/ I just get an XML list of objects.

s3cmd is showing that the website should be properly configured

$ s3cmd ws-info s3://test-site-pommicket  
Bucket s3://test-site-pommicket/: Website configuration
Website endpoint: http://test-site-pommicket.us-ord-1.linodeobjects.com
Index document:   index.html
Error document:   404.html

Update: This did end up working when I hosted on website-us-east-1.linodeobjects.com (although not website-us-ord-1.linodeobjects.com for some reason: http://test-site-pommicket2.website-us-ord-1.linodeobjects.com/ gives me a DNS lookup fail).

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